Root object to define a problem to be optimized
- titanq.Model.__init__(self, *, api_key: str = None, storage_client: StorageClient = None, base_server_url: str = '') None
Initiate the model with a storage client. If the storage_client is missing, the storage will be managed by TitanQ.
If the storage is managed by TitanQ, the total input files size is limited to 1GB.
- api_key
TitanQ API key to access the service. If not set, it will use the environment variable
- storage_client
Storage to choose in order to store some items.
- base_server_url
TitanQ API server url, default set to
- MissingTitanqApiKey
If no API key is set and is also not set as an environment variable
- With an S3 storage client
>>> from titanq import Model, S3Storage >>> storage_client = S3Storage( access_key="{insert aws bucket access key here}", secret_key="{insert aws bucket secret key here}", bucket_name="{insert bucket name here}" ) >>> model = Model(storage_client)
- Managed storage client
>>> from titanq import Model, S3Storage >>> model = Model()
- titanq.Model.add_cardinality_constraint(self, constraint_mask: ndarray, cardinality: int)
Adds cardinality constraint vector to the model.
- constraint_mask
A NumPy 1-D dense ndarray (must be binary). The constraint_mask vector of shape (N,) where N is the number of variables.
- cardinality
The constraint_rhs cardinality. This value has to be a non-zero unsigned integer.
- MissingVariableError
If no variable have been added to the model.
- ConstraintSizeError
If the constraint_mask shape or the constraint_rhs shape does not fit the expected shape of this model.
- ValueError
If the constraint_mask is not in binary or the cardinality is not an unsigned integer.
>>> constraint_mask = np.array([1, 1, 1, 0, 1]) >>> cardinality = 3 >>> model.add_cardinality_constraint(constraint_mask, cardinality)
- titanq.Model.add_cardinality_constraints_matrix(self, constraint_mask: ndarray, cardinalities: ndarray)
Adds cardinality constraints in matrix format to the model.
- constraint_mask
A NumPy 2-D dense ndarray (must be binary). The constraint_mask matrix of shape (M, N) where M the number of constraints and N is the number of variables.
- cardinalities
A NumPy 1-D ndarray (must be non-zero unsigned integer). The constraint_rhs vector of shape (M,) where M is the number of constraints.
- MissingVariableError
If no variable have been added to the model.
- ConstraintSizeError
If the constraint_mask shape or the constraint_rhs shape does not fit the expected shape of this model.
- ValueError
If the constraint_mask is not binary or cardinalities data type are not unsigned integers.
>>> constraint_mask = np.array([[1, 1, 1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 0]]) >>> cardinalities = np.array([3, 2]) >>> model.add_cardinality_constraints_matrix(constraint_mask, cardinalities)
- titanq.Model.add_constraint_from_expression(self, equation: Equation)
ℹ️ This feature is experimental and may change.
Adds a constraint to the model using the given expression.
This method processes the provided constraint expression to add it as a constraint to the optimization problem. Only linear constraints of the following types are supported:
A == B
A < B
A <= B
A > B
A >= B
Constraints involving quadratic terms are not supported and will raise an error.
- expression
The constraint expression. This should be an instance of Equation.
- ValueError
If the provided expression contains quadratic terms.
- TypeError
If the provided expression is of an invalid or unsupported type.
>>> from titanq import Model, Vtype >>> x = model.add_variable_vector('x', 2, Vtype.BINARY) >>> y = model.add_variable_vector('y', 2, Vtype.BINARY) >>> expr = sum(x+y) == 1 >>> model.add_constraint_from_expression(expr)
- titanq.Model.add_equality_constraint(self, constraint_mask: ndarray, limit: float32) None
Adds an equality constraint vector to the model.
- constraint_mask
A NumPy 1-D dense ndarray (float32). The constraint_mask vector of shape (N,) where N is the number of variables.
- limit
Limit value to the constraint mask.
- MissingVariableError
If no variable have been added to the model.
- ValueError
If the constraint_mask shape does not fit the expected shape of this model. If the constraint_mask or limit contains irregular format (‘NaN’ or ‘inf’).
>>> constraint_mask = np.array([1.05, -1.1], dtype=np.float32) >>> limit = -3.45 >>> model.add_equality_constraint(constraint_mask, limit)
- titanq.Model.add_equality_constraints_matrix(self, constraint_mask: ndarray, limit: ndarray) None
Adds an equality constraint matrix to the model.
- constraint_mask
A NumPy 2-D dense ndarray (float32). The constraint_mask vector of shape (M, N) where M the number of constraints and N is the number of variables.
- limit
A NumPy 1-D array (float32). The limit vector of shape (M,) where M is the number of constraints.
- MissingVariableError
If no variable have been added to the model.
- ValueError
If the constraint_mask shape does not fit the expected shape of this model. If the constraint_mask or limit contains irregular format (‘NaN’ or ‘inf’).
>>> constraint_mask = np.array([[-3.51, 0, 0, 0], [10, 0, 0, 0]], dtype=np.float32) >>> limit = np.array([2, 10], dtype=np.float32) >>> model.add_equality_constraints_matrix(constraint_mask, limit)
- titanq.Model.add_inequality_constraint(self, constraint_mask: ndarray, constraint_bounds: ndarray)
Adds inequality constraint vector to the model. At least one bound must be set.
- constraint_mask
A NumPy 1-D dense ndarray (float32). The constraint_mask vector of shape (N,) where N is the number of variables.
- constraint_bounds
A NumPy 1-D ndarray (float32). Vector of shape (2,)
- MissingVariableError
If no variable have been added to the model.
- ValueError
If the constraint_mask shape does not fit the expected shape of this model. If the constraint_mask contains irregular format (‘NaN’ or ‘inf’). If the lowerbound is equal or higher than the upperbound.
>>> constraint_mask = np.array([1.05, -1.1], dtype=np.float32) >>> constraint_bounds = np.array([1.0, np.nan], dtype=np.float32) >>> model.add_inequality_constraint(constraint_mask, constraint_bounds)
- titanq.Model.add_inequality_constraints_matrix(self, constraint_mask: ndarray, constraint_bounds: ndarray)
Adds inequality constraint matrix to the model.
- constraint_mask
A NumPy 2-D dense ndarray (float32). The constraint_mask vector of shape (M, N) where N is the number of variables.
- constraint_bounds
A NumPy 2-D ndarray (float32). Vector of shape (M, 2) where M is the number of constraints.
- MissingVariableError
If no variable have been added to the model.
- ValueError
If the constraint_mask shape does not fit the expected shape of this model. If the constraint_mask contains irregular format (‘NaN’ or ‘inf’). If the lowerbound is equal or higher than its given upperbound.
>>> constraint_mask = np.array([[-3.51, 0], [10, 0]], dtype=np.float32) >>> constraint_bounds = np.array([[8, 9], [np.nan, 100_000]], dtype=np.float32) >>> model.add_inequality_constraints_matrix(constraint_mask, constraint_bounds)
- titanq.Model.add_quadratic_equality_constraint(self, constraint_mask: ndarray, limit: float32, constraint_linear_weights: ndarray | None = None) None
ℹ️ This feature is experimental and may change.
Adds an equality quadratic constraint to the model.
- constraint_mask
A NumPy 2-D dense ndarray (float32). The constraint_mask vector of shape (N, N) where N is the number of variables.
- limit
Limit value to the constraint mask.
- constraint_linear_weights
A NumPy 1-D dense ndarray (float32). The constraint_linear_weights vector of shape (N,) where N is the number of variables.
- MissingVariableError
If no variable have been added to the model.
- ValueError
If the constraint_mask shape does not fit the expected shape of this model. If the constraint_mask or limit contains irregular format (‘NaN’ or ‘inf’).
>>> constraint_mask = np.array([[0.1, 0.1], [0.1, 0.1]], dtype=np.float32) >>> limit = 1.0 >>> constraint_linear_weights = np.array([0, 0.2], dtype=np.float32) >>> model.add_quadratic_equality_constraint(constraint_mask, limit, constraint_linear_weights)
- titanq.Model.add_quadratic_inequality_constraint(self, constraint_mask: ndarray, constraint_bounds: ndarray, constraint_linear_weights: ndarray | None = None) None
ℹ️ This feature is experimental and may change.
Adds an inequality quadratic constraint to the model.
- constraint_mask
A NumPy 2-D dense ndarray (float32). The constraint_mask vector of shape (N, N) where N is the number of variables.
- constraint_bounds
A NumPy 1-D ndarray (float32). Vector of shape (2,).
- constraint_linear_weights
A NumPy 1-D dense ndarray (float32). The constraint_linear_weights vector of shape (N,) where N is the number of variables.
- MissingVariableError
If no variable have been added to the model.
- ValueError
If the constraint_mask shape does not fit the expected shape of this model. If the constraint_mask or limit contains irregular format (‘NaN’ or ‘inf’). If the constraint_bounds’ shape is not (2,).
>>> constraint_mask = np.array([[1.05, -1.1], [0, 0]], dtype=np.float32) >>> constraint_bounds = np.array([np.nan, 10], dtype=np.float32) >>> constraint_linear_weights = np.array([4.0, 4.0], dtype=np.float32) >>> model.add_quadratic_inequality_constraint(constraint_mask, constraint_bounds, constraint_linear_weights)
- titanq.Model.add_set_partitioning_constraint(self, constraint_mask: ndarray)
Adds set partitioning constraint vector to the model.
- constraint_mask
A NumPy 1-D dense ndarray (must be binary). The constraint_mask vector of shape (N,) where N is the number of variables.
- MissingVariableError
If no variable have been added to the model.
- ConstraintSizeError
If the constraint_mask shape does not fit the expected shape of this model.
- ValueError
If the constraint_mask data type is not binary.
>>> constraint_mask = np.array([1, 1, 1, 0, 1]) >>> model.add_set_partitioning_constraint(constraint_mask)
- titanq.Model.add_set_partitioning_constraints_matrix(self, constraint_mask: ndarray)
Adds set partitioning constraints in matrix format to the model.
- constraint_mask
A NumPy 2-D dense ndarray (must be binary). The constraint_mask matrix of shape (M, N) where M the number of constraints and N is the number of variables.
- MissingVariableError
If no variable have been added to the model.
- ConstraintSizeError
If the constraint_mask shape does not fit the expected shape of this model.
- ValueError
If the constraint_mask data type is not binary.
>>> constraint_mask = np.array([[1, 1, 1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 0]]) >>> model.add_set_partitioning_constraints_matrix(constraint_mask)
- titanq.Model.add_variable_vector(self, name: str = '', size: int = 1, vtype: Vtype = Vtype.BINARY, variable_bounds: List[Tuple[int, int]] | List[Tuple[float, float]] | None = None) ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
Add a vector of variable to the model. Multiple variables vector can be added but with different names.
If Vtype is set to
, variable_bounds need to be set.Parameters
- name
The name given to this variable vector.
- size
The size of the vector.
- vtype
Type of the variables inside the vector.
- variable_bounds
Lower and upper bounds for the variable vector. A list of tuples (can be either integers or continuous)
- variable
The variable vector created.
- MaximumVariableLimitError
If the total size of variables exceed the limit.
- ValueError
If the size of the vector is < 1
>>> from titanq import Model, Vtype >>> model.add_variable_vector('x', 3, Vtype.BINARY) >>> model.add_variable_vector('y', 2, Vtype.INTEGER, [[0, 5], [1, 6]]) >>> model.add_variable_vector('z', 3, Vtype.CONTINUOUS, [[2.3, 4.6], [3.1, 5.3], [1.1, 4]])
- titanq.Model.get_constraints_weights_and_bounds(self) Tuple[ndarray | None, ndarray | None]
Retrieve the weights and bounds of all constraints from the model.
Constraints weights if not None and constraints bounds if not None
- titanq.Model.get_objective_matrices(self) Tuple[ndarray | None, ndarray | None]
Retrieve the weights and bias vector from the model’s objective. Both will be None if not set.
Weights matrix if not None and bias vector if not None
- titanq.Model.get_quad_constraints_linear_weights(self) ndarray | None
Retrieve the quadratic constraints linear weights.
Quadratic constraints linear weights if not None
- titanq.Model.get_quad_constraints_weights_and_bounds(self) Tuple[ndarray | None, ndarray | None]
Retrieve the quadratic constraints weights and bounds.
Quadratic constraints weights if not None and quadratic constraints bounds if not None
- titanq.Model.optimize(self, *, beta: List[float] = [1, 0.5, 0.33, 0.25, 0.2, 0.16, 0.14, 0.125], coupling_mult: float = 0.5, timeout_in_secs: float = 10.0, num_chains: int = 8, num_engines: int = 1, penalty_scaling: float = None, precision: Precision = Precision.AUTO, num_buckets: int = 10, optimality_gap: float = 0.0001) OptimizeResponse
Optimize this model. Issue a solve request and wait for it to complete.
All of the files used during this computation will be cleaned at the end. For more information on how to tune those parameters, visit
- beta
Scales the problem by this factor (inverse of temperature). Beta values can then be adjusted to see if a better objective function value can be obtained. A lower beta allows for easier escape from local minima, while a higher beta is more likely to respect penalties and constraints.
Range: List of [0, 20000]
Recommended values: List of [0.004…2]
NOTE: Beta values should be provided in descending order
>>> import numpy as np >>> num_chains = 8 >>> beta = (1/(np.linspace(2, 50, num_chains, dtype=np.float32))).tolist()
- coupling_mult
Strength of parameter that keeps multiple logical copies of variables to have the same ground state solution. Heuristic to be tuned for a particular problem. Small values of this parameter will lead to an incorrect solution while large values will take a long time to converge to the correct solution.
Range: [0, 100]
Recommended values: [0.05…1.0]
- timeout_in_secs
Maximum time (in second) the computation can take.
Range: [0.1, 600]
NOTE: Currently there is no other stop criteria. All computations will run up to the timeout value.
- num_chains
Number of parallel chains running computation. Only the best result of all chains is returned.
Recommended values: [8, 16, 32]
cannot exceed 512- num_engines
Number of independent batches of chains to run the computation. The best result of the batch of chains in each engine is returned.
Range: [1, 512]
cannot exceed 512- penalty_scaling
Scaling factor for constraint penalty violations. Increasing this value results in stronger constraint enforcement at the cost of increasing the odds of becoming trapped in local minima.
Range: penalty_scaling > 0
NOTE: If None, a value will be inferred from the objective function of the problem.
- precision
Some problems may need a higher precision implementation to converge properly such as when problem weights exhibit a high dynamic range. This flag allows this higher precision (but slightly slower speed) implementation to be used when
is set. SettingPrecision.STANDARD
uses a medium precision perfect for general use and offering the best speed/efficiency. The default settingPrecision.AUTO
will inspect the problem passed in and determine which ofPrecision.AUTO
precision to use based on internal metrics.- num_buckets
The buckets strategy consists in dividing the range of values of a continuous variable into the specified number of buckets.
Range: num_buckets >= 0
Recommended values: [1, 2, 3, …, 9, 10, 20, 30, …, 90, 100, 200, 300, …, 900, 1000, …]
NOTE: If the value is set to ‘0’, the solver will not use the buckets strategy.
- optimality_gap
Defines when the solver converges and returns a solution. Basically an exit condition
- OptimizeResponse
Optimized response data object
- MissingVariableError
If no variable have been added to the model.
- MissingObjectiveError
If no objective matrices have been added to the model.
- OptimizeError
If an error was returned by the solver instead of a result, containing the optimize error message.
- basic solve
>>> response = model.optimize(timeout_in_secs=60)
- multiple engine
>>> response = model.optimize(timeout_in_secs=60, num_engines=2)
- custom values
>>> response = model.optimize(beta=[0.1], coupling_mult=0.75, num_chains=8)
- print values
>>> print("-" * 15, "+", "-" * 26, sep="") >>> print("Ising energy | Result vector") >>> print("-" * 15, "+", "-" * 26, sep="") >>> for ising_energy, result_vector in response.result_items(): >>> print(f"{ising_energy: <14f} | {result_vector}")
- titanq.Model.set_objective_expression(self, expr: Expression, target=Target.MINIMIZE)
ℹ️ This feature is experimental and may change.
Sets the objective function for the optimization problem using the given expression.
This method processes the provided expression to extract the bias vector and weight matrix, and then sets these as the objective matrices for the optimization problem.
- expr
The expression defining the objective function.
- target
The target of this objective matrix.
- TypeError
if the provided expression contains any invalid/unsupported input
>>> from titanq import Model, Vtype >>> x = model.add_variable_vector('x', 2, Vtype.BINARY) >>> y = model.add_variable_vector('y', 2, Vtype.BINARY) >>> expr = (np.array([3, 4]) * x + (x * y) - 5 * y)[0] >>> model.set_objective_expression(expr)
- titanq.Model.set_objective_matrices(self, weights: ndarray | None, bias: ndarray, target=Target.MINIMIZE, constant_term: float = 0.0)
Set the objective matrices for the model.
- weights
The quadratic objective matrix, this matrix needs to be symmetrical. A NumPy 2-D dense ndarray (must be float32). Weights matrix can be set to None if it is a linear problem with no quadratic elements.
- bias
The linear constraint vector. A NumPy 1-D ndarray.
- target
The target of this objective matrix.
- constant_term
This parameter represents a fixed value added to the final computed objective value.
Example: Suppose the objective function to minimize is ‘f(x) = x^2 + 2x + 4’ and ‘x’ is a binary variable.
The optimal solution would be x = 0 resulting in an optimal objective function value of f(x)=4. However, the solver ignores constant terms and only seeks to minimize f(x) = x^2 + 2x. This would typically yield f(x)=0 by default with the optimal solution of x=0. constant_term should be set to 4 to yield an objective function value of f(x)=4.
- MissingVariableError
If no variable have been added to the model.
- ObjectiveAlreadySetError
If an objective has already been set in this model.
- ValueError
If the weights shape or the bias shape does not fit the variables in the model. If the weights or bias data type is not float32.
>>> from titanq import Model, Target >>> edges = {0:[4,5,6,7], 1:[4,5,6,7], 2:[4,5,6,7], 3:[4,5,6,7], 4:[0,1,2,3], 5:[0,1,2,3], 6:[0,1,2,3], 7:[0,1,2,3]} >>> size = len(edges) >>> weights = np.zeros((size, size), dtype=np.float32) >>> for root, connections in edges.items(): >>> for c in connections: >>> weights[root][c] = 1 >>> # construct the bias vector (Uniform weighting across all nodes) >>> bias = np.asarray([0]*size, dtype=np.float32) >>> model.set_objective_matrices(weights, bias, Target.MINIMIZE)