Error Types
Errors specific to the TitanQ SDK.
- exception titanq.errors.BadRequest
The request sent to TitanQ is not valid
- exception titanq.errors.ClientError
Base client-side http error
- exception titanq.errors.ConnectionError
Error due to a connection issue with an external resource
- exception titanq.errors.ConstraintAlreadySetError
A constraint has already been set
- exception titanq.errors.ConstraintSizeError
Unexpected number of constraints
- exception titanq.errors.ContradictoryExpressionError(message='The provided expression is contradictory and always evaluates to False, regardless of the variable values.', *args, **kwargs)
Exception raised when an expression is contradictory (always false).
This exception indicates that the provided expression is invalid as it represents an impossible condition.
- exception titanq.errors.InvalidUrl
API URL is not valid or accessible
- exception titanq.errors.MissingObjectiveError
Objective has not already been registered
- exception titanq.errors.MissingTitanqApiKey
TitanQ Api key is missing
- exception titanq.errors.MissingVariableError
Variable has not already been registered
- exception titanq.errors.MpsConfiguredModelError
Passed model is already configured
- exception titanq.errors.MpsMalformedFileError
The file is malformed
- exception titanq.errors.MpsMissingSectionError
A required section is missing
- exception titanq.errors.MpsMissingValueError
A required value is missing
- exception titanq.errors.MpsParsingError
Base class for any error related to the MPS files parsing module
- exception titanq.errors.MpsUnexpectedValueError
Found an unexpected value
- exception titanq.errors.MpsUnsupportedError
Found an unsupported value
- exception titanq.errors.NotEnoughCreditsError(message='Not enough credits left', *args, **kwargs)
Not enough credits left
- exception titanq.errors.ObjectiveAlreadySetError
An objective has already been set
- exception titanq.errors.OptimizeError
Error occur during optimization
- exception titanq.errors.ServerError
Unexpected condition prevented the TitanQ server to fulfill the request
- exception titanq.errors.TautologicalExpressionError(message='The provided expression is tautological and always evaluates to True, regardless of the variable values.', *args, **kwargs)
Exception raised when an expression is tautological (always true).
This exception indicates that the provided expression is redundant and does not add meaningful constraints or information.
- exception titanq.errors.TitanqError
Base TitanQ error
- exception titanq.errors.UnexpectedServerResponseError
Response from the TitanQ server is not as expected
- exception titanq.errors.UnsolvableRequestError(message='TitanQ cannot solve this combination of parameters', *args, **kwargs)
TitanQ cannot solve this combination of parameters
- exception titanq.errors.VariableAlreadyExist
Variable with the same name already exist