Error Types

Errors specific to the TitanQ SDK.

exception titanq.errors.BadRequest

The request sent to TitanQ is not valid

exception titanq.errors.ClientError

Base client-side http error

exception titanq.errors.ConnectionError

Error due to a connection issue with an external resource

exception titanq.errors.ConstraintAlreadySetError

A constraint has already been set

exception titanq.errors.ConstraintSizeError

Unexpected number of constraints

exception titanq.errors.ContradictoryExpressionError(message='The provided expression is contradictory and always evaluates to False, regardless of the variable values.', *args, **kwargs)

Exception raised when an expression is contradictory (always false).

This exception indicates that the provided expression is invalid as it represents an impossible condition.

exception titanq.errors.InvalidUrl

API URL is not valid or accessible

exception titanq.errors.MissingObjectiveError

Objective has not already been registered

exception titanq.errors.MissingTitanqApiKey

TitanQ Api key is missing

exception titanq.errors.MissingVariableError

Variable has not already been registered

exception titanq.errors.MpsConfiguredModelError

Passed model is already configured

exception titanq.errors.MpsMalformedFileError

The file is malformed

exception titanq.errors.MpsMissingSectionError

A required section is missing

exception titanq.errors.MpsMissingValueError

A required value is missing

exception titanq.errors.MpsParsingError

Base class for any error related to the MPS files parsing module

exception titanq.errors.MpsUnexpectedValueError

Found an unexpected value

exception titanq.errors.MpsUnsupportedError

Found an unsupported value

exception titanq.errors.NotEnoughCreditsError(message='Not enough credits left', *args, **kwargs)

Not enough credits left

exception titanq.errors.ObjectiveAlreadySetError

An objective has already been set

exception titanq.errors.OptimizeError

Error occur during optimization

exception titanq.errors.ServerError

Unexpected condition prevented the TitanQ server to fulfill the request

exception titanq.errors.TautologicalExpressionError(message='The provided expression is tautological and always evaluates to True, regardless of the variable values.', *args, **kwargs)

Exception raised when an expression is tautological (always true).

This exception indicates that the provided expression is redundant and does not add meaningful constraints or information.

exception titanq.errors.TitanqError

Base TitanQ error

exception titanq.errors.UnexpectedServerResponseError

Response from the TitanQ server is not as expected

exception titanq.errors.UnsolvableRequestError(message='TitanQ cannot solve this combination of parameters', *args, **kwargs)

TitanQ cannot solve this combination of parameters

exception titanq.errors.VariableAlreadyExist

Variable with the same name already exist